Our company S3UK, operating exclusively in the United Kingdom since 2020, has recently obtained the Good Business Charter accreditation, in recognition of the entity’s responsible business practices.
In an ever-globalised world, responsible business practices are more and more needed. Hence, making part of the Good Business Charter is a strong recognition of those companies that clearly are developing their activity with the responsibility society deserves and expects from them. Additionally, having the Good Business Charter recognition is a message of commitment, both towards customers as to suppliers.
The Good Business Charter recognition unites both private as public companies, as long as they comply with the 10 necessary commitments in order to be part of the institution: real living wage, fair hours and contracts, employee well-being, employee representation, diversity and inclusion, environmental responsibility, paying fair tax, commitment to customers, ethical sourcing and prompt payment.
Being part of the Good Business Charter not only shows that a company acts according to responsible business practices, but also that it takes into account social responsibility, a factor highly relevant both for the S3 Group as to S3UK.
Adrian Pryce, the company’s director in the United Kingdom, is very committed to both sustainability as well as to responsible and inclusive businesses. In this sense, Adrian contributes on a regular basis articles to the All Things Business magazine, on Corporate Social Responsibility and environmental, social and governance factors, both of which are part of his areas of expertise.
Adrian’s commitment with social issues goes much beyond the business environment. In parallel with his professional commitments, Adrian presides over two children’s charities, one of which – The Crysalys Foundation – was founded personally by himself.