During the month of March, Tom Van der Heyden, CEO of S³ Group, completed the annual coordination trip to China. The objective was twofold:
- Operational collaboration with the company’s team in Shanghai
- Academic collaboration with Vlerick Business School

In regard to the activities with Sarah Zhi, Responsible for the sourcing activities of S 3 China, the visit focused on operational, commercial and strategic meetings. Furthermore, Tom visited one of the main suppliers of the company, in Jiangsu province, in order to evaluate recent order deliveries and learn about the implementation of new machinery.

In terms of academics, the experience of last year was continued, with business classes with and in China for a group of about 100 students from Vlerick, the most prestigious business school in Belgium, that we also collaborate with at its Brussels campus.

The students present in Shanghai all participated in the China trip organized every year by Vlerick for the members of its Executive MBA program and other postgraduate programs.