More than 15 years of carrying out internationalization projects
Product development and manufacturing in Asia. Internationalization consultancy in emerging countries. Export and market development in Asia and Latin America.

Industrial sourcing in China for European companies interested in accessing The Asian Cost Advantage without excessive risks. Emphasis is placed on product development, selection of suitable suppliers, rigorous quality control processes and comprehensive logistics management.

Export services and market development aimed at Western companies that wish to introduce their products to emerging markets in Asia and Latin America. The sectoral emphasis is primarily, but not exclusively, directed towards food and beverage products.
Internationalization consulting services, offering market analysis, implementation projects in emerging countries, technology transfer operations and study trips. Training projects, both in-company, and in business schools.
Globalization. Sourcing. Export.
Europe. Asia. Latin America. Internationalization.
If the combination of any of these words leads you to think about opportunities or, on the contrary, causes you a concern, at S³ we have the resources and experience to help you.
Since 2003 in S³ we have been developing solutions.
Practical solutions to channel opportunities. Practical solutions for specific difficulties.
Tom Van der Heyden, co-founder and manager, S³ Group.

Extensive experience in international markets
Want to improve productivity and be more competitive?
Contact us for our solutions in emerging markets.
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