Article “Is this the end of China as the ‘factory of the world’?” in VIA Empresa

In the previous edition of the S3 Newsletter we reported on the presentation we gave at the ‘Procurement Day’ of AERCE, the Spanish Association of Purchasing, Contracting and Procurement Professionals. The topic addressed – whether the events of the last two years mean the end of China as an industrial supplier to the world – was very well received by the procurement professionals present.


It also had, subsequently, a certain resonance in the press, as we were contacted by VIA Empresa, through ESIC Business School, for the drafting and publication of an opinion article on this topic in this well-known Catalan business and economic newspaper.

The article, of which the English translation is available at this link, deals with the same arguments that were brought up during the presentation with AERCE, even incorporating the results of a mini-survey carried out during the same day, which highlighted that yes, companies have had difficulties with their purchases in China, but no, it is not easy to simply replace Chinese industrial suppliers with factories located in other so-called ‘low-cost’ countries.

Given the fact that this is still a wide-ranging debate, even in political circles, we invite readers of this S3 Newsletter not to hesitate to let us know their views on the subject.