New presentation on “Is this the end of China as the ‘Factory of the World’?” with AERCE


Last December we had the opportunity to collaborate again with AERCE, the Spanish Association of Purchasing, Contracting and Procurement Professionals.

After our presence at AERCE’s ‘Procurement Day’ in Barcelona, this time it was the turn of Valencia, where we once again addressed the issue of whether this is “the end of China as the ‘Factory of the World’?”.

As in the March edition in the Catalan capital, the presentation included a brief informal survey among the purchasing managers present, with a very similar, even more conclusive result: yes, companies have had difficulties with their purchases in China, but no, it is not at all easy to replace Chinese industrial suppliers with factories located in other so-called ‘low-cost’ countries.

Once again, we invite the readers of the S3 Newsletter to send us their opinions on this matter.
