New initiatives in business teaching




Our close collaboration with OBS, the largest Spanish-language online business school (in the world!) is usually relegated to the back of academic news, for no apparent reason, really. But this time we bring it to the forefront, because we have been asked to manage two of the school’s most important Master’s programmes.
In line with the seminar offered a few months ago for US-based Auburn University (see previous S3 Newsletter), a few weeks ago we gave another similar session, this time for the FT-MBA students of the prestigious Rice University in Houston, Texas. The event again took place at the Barcelona World Trade Center.
A new academic activity has been carried out with the University of Lleida, in coordination with the Unión Empresarial de Anoia, one of the most dynamic regions of Catalonia, Spain. As part of their Postgraduate in International Trade, we offered an executive module, focused on internationalisation strategies.
After a two-year absence due to the pandemic, we finally returned in person to Vigo, Galicia, in north-west Spain, to deliver our module on industrial marketing as part of the Executive MBA at the renowned IESIDE Business Institute. As always, a highly experienced group of students filled the session with a dynamism that was super motivating for all.
Once again, this year we gave a session at the Barcelona School of Management (Pompeu Fabra University), dedicated to business with Asia, with the peculiarity that 80% of the students were Chinese nationals. An interesting experience!
And since not everything has to be classes, projects and exams, we are happy to report on the visit to the Port of Barcelona with Geneva Business School, a tradition finally resumed after the pandemic.
We remind our readers that they can find much more information about the activities of Consultancy and Training on our website, in particular at