Indirect purchasing: a hidden impact on corporate profitability
Want to improve profitability and reduce costs? Don’t forget about indirect purchasing, a neglected area with a significant impact.
Alternatives to plastic packaging
Use of plastic is decreasing every year and you have to look for real alternatives for your imported packaging.
Checklist for supplier evaluation
Find out how to evaluate import suppliers with our detailed checklist: quality, logistics, costs and more for business success.
Optimising the purchasing department: keys to success and profitability
Thinking of improving your purchasing department? We give you all the keys to make it more profitable.
LinkedIn to increase your sales in international markets
Boost your international sales with LinkedIn: effective strategies to connect with global customers and expand your business.
Innovation without borders: Designed in X, but Made in China
Designing products in one country and manufacturing them in another has become commonplace for many companies. We tell you the keys to this practice.
Inventory control for products imported from Asia
Learn how to optimize inventory control of your products: efficiency, cost reduction and improved customer satisfaction.
Agile procurement: optimise your international purchasing!
Improve the efficiency of your purchasing and import processes thanks to a more agile strategy. We tell you all the keys! China’s wholesale giant
Don’t think that Alibaba or Aliexpress are the only ones succeeding in China! Small and medium-sized companies have a clear choice.
How to prepare detailed purchase reports
This is one of the most important documents for your supply chain to be efficient. We give you all the keys to achieve it.
How can sourcing help your business?
Did you know that sourcing is much more than just a synonym for importing? Find out how good sourcing management can help your company.
5 signs to identify fraudulent suppliers
Worried about a supplier, you don’t know if they are reliable? We give you the keys to find out if you are facing a possible fraud. Don’t be fooled!